Raw Food for Picky Eaters
Raw food is by far the best quality food you can give your dog. But what if we have picky dogs who are used to dehydrated food? Although it is a real rarity, we are occasionally contacted by dog owners whose dogs refuse to eat or even try raw food. Fortunately, such dogs are a real rarity. Because most often dogs that were picky about dehydrated and canned food eat raw food in a second, lick their bowl for a few minutes and constantly 'slurp' more. Some dogs, in cats this is even more pronounced, they are slaves to habits and if they have eaten dehydrated food all their lives, they only consider dehydrated food as food, any other form of food is suspicious to them or they do not associate it with food at all. When switching to raw food, there are several tricks to persuade your dog to try a new type of food. But above all, it is important that the owner is convinced that he is doing the best for the dog and offers him quality food. Because dogs read our emotions very well and if we are insecure and suspicious of some kind of food, the dog will sense it and become suspicious himself.
Tricks for picky eaters
Serve the bowl of food and leave. Many dogs do not like to be watched while eating. We humans are also often uncomfortable when someone is watching us without blinking while we need to try or do something new. Leave the bowl with raw food in front of the dog for about 10 minutes to stimulate their curiosity.
Fill the toy with raw food. There are specially designed toys that are meant to be filled with food. Such toys stimulate the dog's brain and connect two of the dog's favorite activities, play and feeding.
Turn raw food into a treat. Introducing the dog to raw food in a way that you give raw food like a treat from your hand usually works very well.
Lightly heat the food. Raw food has a different smell, by gently boiling it or even just pouring it over with hot water or soup, more familiar smells and tastes develop for dogs who encounter raw food for the first time.
Act delight. Act it out to eat raw food at the table, squish and comment on how delicious it is and then put it down from the table for the dog to try. Many dogs are convinced that everything we eat is super tasty.
Check out our range of raw dog food and choose something for your picky eater.