Dog Obesity, Causes and Consequences

Just like in the human population, obesity is becoming more and more common in dogs. The causes and effects are also very similar.

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Dog Obesity, Causes and Consequences

The fact is that the human organism, as well as the canine organism, is much better adapted to survive in conditions when the amount of food is limited, than when there is an abundance of food. Carbohydrates are mostly responsible for obesity in dogs of both species. So not fat but carbohydrates! 

You know that "I haven't eaten for at least 3 days" look? We know that it is very difficult to resist the looks of our pets, who mostly say "I haven't eaten for at least 3 days". Everyone deals with this pressure in their own way. What we can certainly watch out for is the amount and type of basic food that we put in the dog's bowl. BARF, a raw diet based on fresh meat, offal, bone paste and cartilage is ideal for dogs. The organism of our pets, like our organism, has an extremely difficult time coping with constant and excessive intake of easily digestible carbohydrates. The first place is the excessive intake of starch. There are no such ingredients in our BARF meals. Because we know that a dog is a carnivore and that carbohydrates do more harm than good. During thousands of years of evolution, simple sugars and starches were rarely present in the diet of canids. Their representation in the diet, which is based on meat, eggs, fish, insects, berries and various plants, did not exceed 4%. 

Today's commercial dog food usually contains about 40% carbohydrates. This percentage is hidden on the declaration, more precisely, all other analytical values ​​of the food are stated:

  • proteins,
  • fats,
  • crude fibers ,
  • moisture,
  • ash.

In order to get the percentage of carbohydrates, all other analytical values ​​must be added and subtracted from 100 and you will get percentage of carbohydrates. As carnivores, dogs do not need carbohydrates in their diet at all, the dog's liver can produce all the necessary glucose for the body's work from proteins and fats. Therefore, feeding dogs foods that are rich in carbohydrates is unnecessary, and most often harmful. We assume that it is clear to you that carbohydrates are far cheaper foods than meat, so an entire industry is trying to turn dogs into predators, which they are not. In the fight against obesity in dogs, it is important to control the quality of food, the amount of food and certainly to optimize movement. What's great is that, unlike us humans who often love chips, pasta or bread more than anything else, dogs love meat. Fresh, raw, delicious meat. So the solution to canine obesity is simple - give them plenty of physical activity they love and raw meat they love